Saturday, October 3, 2009

A Whole New World

I live in two worlds; one at home, and one at school. I didn't know which was would, or should, dominate over the other. I felt like I had to keep the connections I had at home; stay in contact and up to date with the lives of all my friends and family I have grown up with. But most of my friends had gone off to school and started their second lives, and I was left with only a few strings tying me to home.

This meant that school should be my number one life, right? But somehow, it didn't have the characteristics of my life at home. I feel like there is always something I should be doing, that the work I have to do never ends. While I have the people I hang out with, I don't have that core group of friends I can depend on no matter what.

I knew that in order to feel like I completely belong in one place, I would have to let go over the other. I know now which one that is. Home will always be my home, but this is where I'm meant to be. It's hard knowing I have to start over-- knowing that this is now all I have, that this is my life. I guess it's what they call a "new stage in life," its just starting a little late.

So I'll take a deep breath and dive in. And never look back.