I always said I could never live in a city. My dream town is a small one, where everyone knows everyone and everything about each other. Think Gilmore Girls here. I wanted a Miss Patty at my door everyday, with a Luke's to go to when life got too crazy. So, when I applied to school, I knew thats what I was looking for. A school in, maybe not the middle of nowhere, but secluded and quiet.
Well, here I am in DC. When I chose to go to school here, I talked myself into wanting to live in a city. The opportunities are endless, the nightlife is hopping, the culture is abundant. While these may be true, I now remember why I never wanted to live in a city.
The Metro confuses me. How do the stops work? Is it the same taking the subway as the buses? Can you get on a bus going the wrong direction, or do they all make loops? Why can't I just take my little black bug and mapquest where I need to go? And why do people give me such weird looks when I call it the T? Haven't you heard of that thing?
There are too many options. Being one who could never really make decisions, what makes one restaurant more appealing and worthy to eat at than the one next door? It stresses me out and I will probably just end up coming back to my room and having a lunch of Swedish Fish and Goldfish. That'll fend off the Freshman 15, right?
Most rules are unwritten. People on escalators stand on the right and walk on the left. Don't be an escaleftor and stand on the left. You WILL get bowled over. It's okay to walk across a street even if it says don't walk, if someone on the other side of the road is walking across. Let's hope they get hit first.
So while this great big world is crazy and different, I think I can do it. It'll take some getting used to, but soon enough, those stairs at Dupont Circle won't cause cardiac arrest, and I'll know that my SmarTrip card worked without having to run through the detector hoping it caught the sensor. Someday, I hope that the size of my fish will fit the size of this pond, and I can't wait to see how I get there.