Friday, August 21, 2009

The Wonders of the City

Today, as I was people watching from the window on the bridge of Anderson 324 (the boys in 324 love you), I remembered something my dad said the other day:

"It would be interesting to be eccentric in DC; you'd blend in, I think."

While I have yet to experience the true eccentricities of the city, I have met some people with names more memorable than any I have ever heard before...
-Calvin "can i buy a vowel please?" Gmytrasiewicz
-Hannibal the 26-year old director of the Lincoln Theater
-Satchel Kornfeld, a McLovin reincarnate
-Achilles Stryker...'nuff said.

It makes me wonder what draws these outlandishly-named characters to our nations capital. Is it the thrill of knowing that at any 9.5 minute interval, they could contract HIV? The ability to eat cuisine as exotic as Ethiopian to as ordinary as McDonalds, all within the same block? Is it the enchantment of the monuments at night, the only thing magical enough to grant Chris Lin a successful date? The world will never know.

I'm sure this city has many noteworthy people throughout its streets that I have yet to come across; participants of the annual gay pride parade, the infamous BA, Barack Obama, you get the idea. Until then, until then.

This Post was facilitated by Brian "Amphitryon" Afeltra

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