12:46 pm: The guy in front of me whips out his cell phone and takes a picture of a girl who has just gotten on the bus. He zooms in as far as possible. Apparently he finds her hairstyle amusing. He then proceeds to send it to the girl sitting behind him. Can't she just look to the front of the bus and see it for herself?
3:22 pm: Stop in Richmond to service the bus. I am sitting on a bench minding my own business when I hear, "what are ya reading, young lady?" The man on the other side of the bench and I begin to talk about my book. He then asks me where I go to school. I say Washington DC. He asks if I go to Georgetown.
You know that feeling that you'll never be good enough to meet your parents expectations? Yeah, it's even worse when you can't even meet the expectations of a complete stranger. No, sir, I told him, contrary to popular belief, there are other schools in our nations capital than just The Castle on a Hill. Sorry to disappoint. He asks what I'm studying. Spanish and Latin American Studies. "You must want to be a teacher." Oh, so now you guess right? That's when this casual conversation took a turn. He told me not to be just any old teacher, because there are plenty of them out there doing it just for the paycheck (i told him if i was doing it for the paycheck, i would pick something that would actually give me one). He went on to describe what made a good teacher, and how important the teacher's attitude is in order for the students to reflect the same positive attitude. Hey, inspiration comes at unexpected times.
6:43 pm: Arrive in Raleigh. My sister says she is already there and waiting (and that she also empathizes with the cream filling). I don't see her, so I assume she's waiting outside. I walk around, tell her what I'm near, describe the area. 10 minutes and a "You're in RALEIGH?!" "Isn't that where you live....? no....?" conversation later, I'm back inside, waiting. A man looks over to me, asks if I would like to sit with him and keep him company. In the seat next to him is a razor, tooth brush and soap. I figure he has company enough. Apparently he doesn't think so, because he comes and sits next to me. Ah, yes, how did you know, I was just playing hard to get. He tells me his bus is leaving at 5 am. I ask if he realizes its 7 pm.... as in 10 hours before his departure time. He does. I guess he just wanted to make sure he got a window seat.
8:03 pm: A man walks up to me and says, "your sister is waiting for you outside." Sir, I do not know who you are, how you know she is my sister or that I am the one she is looking for, but thank you, thank you, thank you. Never have I heard such blessed 6 words (except maybe for he's just not that into you, but thats a story for another time).
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