Saturday, April 10, 2010

Remote Controlled

A few weeks ago, I had the greatest idea. Now, when I say "greatest idea," I'm not going by the Alexander-Graham-Bell-inventing-the-telegraph or Lincoln-freeing-the-slaves kind of great idea. Its more of a, this-seems-to-solve-my-current-predicament-or-entertain-a-fun-idea-for-now kinda thing. Past "greatest ideas" i've had?

Having a scheduled once a week Skype date with my best friend because I felt I never got to talk to her. (It never happened; we decided to just pick up our phones more often.)
Take my roommate home for Easter so she could meet my friends. (She decided she'd rather stay in DC).
Put up motivational quotes all over my room to get me pumped up for life. (I guess I got too lazy... ironic.)

You get the idea. The ideas are not only not so great, but also usually disappointing fails. So this time, the idea was that Facebook should make a setting where you put in a time limit, and you can't log in for that amount of time. For purposes of doing homework, having a life, whatever it may be. Now I don't know why Facebook (I speak about it as if it is an actual entity capable of making anything) would want to create something that kept people OFF their website, but at the time, it was a great idea. AGAIN, DISAPPOINTMENT.

Apparently, someone else had this great idea before me, as something of this nature already exists. And not only for Facebook, for any website you choose. It's a downloadable program in which you input the websites that you wish to stay off of and an amount of time, and until that time runs out, your internet browser is unable to reach those sites. Doesn't matter if you turn your computer off, shut down the browser, anything. You're not getting on. And here's the kicker--it's called Self Control.

Again, the irony. Clearly if someone is using this program (as I did all afternoon, in an attempt to complete my research paper... in Spanish), they have no self control. Because clearly they cannot just stay away, they need a computer to make it physically impossible. But hey, someone (or thing) has to do it, right? Why not get computers to do everything for us? Sounds like someone pulled a Jonas Brothers and jumped to the year 3000. now all we need is to live underwater. and a great-great-great granddaughter. to be doing fine. okay. too far.

*authors note: please excuse the excessive use of parentheses in this post. i don't know whats gotten into me.

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