Friday, October 15, 2010
Club MENtality
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
(okay, lets address the elephant in the room, i'm sorry i haven't written in so long. thank you all for your concern. i am back. and now have lots to say so prepare thyselves for many upcoming posts. here is the first.)
Note: this post is rated PG-13 due to drug-related themes
I have recently discovered the website, Highdeas ( I've heard of it before, but never frequented it due to the mindset that I had to be in a certain state to appreciate it. A state I am not often in. However, one day, after exhausting all my other blog resources (lamebook, textsfromlastnight, howtouseanescalatorindc, postsecret, the usual suspects), Highdeas popped into my head. I figured I'd give it a shot. Or a hit, as the locals say.
"We are in space right now". That was all it took. That one simple post to get me hooked. I could not stop laughing, thinking of how this is something that someone had thought long and hard about, trying to grasp it fully. And in their defense, it is a very valid point. Thats some crazy sh*t to think about.
I have now realized that going through the day, I have these crazy thoughts that baffle my mind that some may only think about while high. Here are my highdeas:
1. 1648 was 400 years ago. FOUR HUNDRED.
2. right now, Britney Spears could be going to the bathroom. or doing some other mundane task. the fact that she is doing anything is the thing that actually gets me.
3. every single person lives on the same world. let's put country lines into perspective here.
4. no one can just be a person. you have to be from somewhere. you can't just be.
5. feti (think cacti) live inside other people. voldemort much?
Now this is an abbreviated list, because I think a lot of random things that blow my mind, yet don't seem so crazy to other people. But this was just a taste. Whetting your appetite (whet is on the same level of moist in my head. its use implies immediate discomfort), if you will. Because if you're in the ideal state, your appetite will be considerable.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
18 going on 45
Thursday, May 27, 2010
And the Thunder Rolled
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Things, at home.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
The Saga Continues
Friday, May 7, 2010
Thursday, May 6th
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Un día, se sabrá (si el amor puede mover una montaña)
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Final(s) Daze
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Meet the Parents

Sunday, April 18, 2010
Life is like the Movies. (?)

"It wasn't over... It's still not over." oh.em.gee.
Soooo ... yep. Now that I have just fawned over their fictional lives, maybe I should figure out my own. If you have any suggestions, I'm all ears.
k enough emo kelly. aaaaand scene.